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Shore Islamic



The Prophet (pbuh) said:

“Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise"

Our Islamic Centre will provide

Image by Rumman Amin

A larger facility

To support 1,500 people for daily and Friday prayers

Image by Rachid Oucharia


The centre will hold

on a regular basis Quran and Arabic school and large Islamic educational conferences and seminars


Social & lifestyle 

The community centre would have facilities to host activities like Sports, Social Gatherings, Workshops and Senior Citizens Activities.

A message from the North Shore Islamic Association

The North Shore Islamic Association is aiming to establish an Islamic Community Centre to accommodate for the needs of the rapidly growing Muslim community of the North Shore in Auckland, New Zealand.


This includes a large prayer hall to support 1,500 worshippers during the 5 daily prayers, Jummah and Taraweeh prayers; an Islamic educational institution for Muslims and non-Muslims; and a Da’wah Centre to facilitate for the increasing demands to know, learn and study more about Islam. Services that are of pressing need to the Muslims in New Zealand will also be provided such as matrimony and revert support. 

We highly appreciate your support and contribution, may ALLAH accept all your good deeds and grant you the highest grade in Jannah.

You get the rewards of

A home in paradise for building a masjid

Every letter of the Quran recited or memorised in the Centre 

Providing a space for the next generation

Allah's mercy for helping those in need

Our planned centre 


Thanks for submitting!

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